"It was a wonderful 3 day event, and thanks to you, and the entire city of Kortrijk for welcoming us and taking such great care of us as well.
It has been a great pleasure to work with you, as you know we depended a lot on you to help us and you made everything happen. The city is very lucky to have someone like you on their team.
I certainly hope we get to work together again in the future.
Many thanks to Barco Experience Center and The Penta, the Kortrijk university of applied sciences to host the Governors’ meeting and Federation dinner.
Kortrijk Convention Bureau made it possible for all participants to be buzzing with all Soroptimist energy and enthusiasm."
- Lora Foster (Soroptimist International of Europe)

"I remember the Kortrijk Convention Bureau as my guardian angels, my memory, true connoisseurs of the city and super professionals. And this as well during the months of preparation, the site inspections as during the multi-day convention.
In keeping with the theme, Education, I have chosen to host the Federation Dinner at Howest University of Applied Sciences. The school is known for its innovative and interdisciplinary approach to education and research, and this can be experienced in its brand new building, awarded for its sustainability, The Penta. This breathtaking architectural building will allow for Soroptimists to gather in an indoor and outdoor atmosphere whilst indulging in the exquisite buffet choices scattered through the venue to encourage movement, networking, learning, and interaction."
-Carolien Demey (Soroptimist International of Europe)